Foot pain, metatarsalgia, heel pain, heel spurs, achillodynia and plantar fasciitis - when walking, standing and running become an ever-increasing burden.
A person's feet have to fulfil a truly load-bearing function throughout their life. Together with the legs, they not only form the solid foundation for the body and carry its entire weight. The intensive interplay between the toes, sole of the foot, tarsal bones, ankle, heel, Achilles tendon and both foot and calf muscles ensures that the necessary strength, flexibility and elasticity are created for a wealth of different movements.
This is the only way a person can stay safely on their feet. This is the only way that movement and sport can be
jogging, skiing and dancing with confidence. Health restrictions, functional disorders and disease-related changes to the feet can quickly unbalance the sensitive interplay of anatomical structures. Pain when walking, the posture that is then adopted, muscular imbalances and subsequent functional disorders can lead to strain on gait and stance, which can affect the flexibility and mobility of the entire pelvis-leg chain and not only lead to pronounced foot pain, but also to knee, pelvis and even back pain.
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Many unfavourable changes are possible, especially on the feet
The constant high strain on the feet, especially from wearing unsuitable shoes, and many other factors can cause a wide range of possible changes to the feet, which we address in detail at our orthopaedic and osteopathic practice in Freiburg.
These include genetically determined deformities such as flat feet, splay feet or hallux vagus, which have changed or worsened over the course of a lifetime. These include, in particular, pronounced pain in the feet and calves, such as achillodynia, a very stressful pain syndrome in the Achilles tendon area, which primarily affects the area where the calf muscles attach to the heel bone. Achillodynia often affects active athletes and is often caused by a problem in the pelvic-leg chain resulting from an SI joint blockage.
Lower heel pain and heel spur - a heel spur is an unnatural bone outgrowth in the area of the sole of the foot on the heel bone, which often occurs as a result of plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a relatively widespread foot disease in which the large tendon plate on the inner side of the sole of the foot is inflamed, riddled with tiny tears and accompanied by corresponding tendon irritation of the foot muscles.Both foot conditions lead to the patient suffering from alternating severe foot pain, especially in the morning during the first few steps.
The close connection between these foot disorders and other factors such as foot statics, the rolling behaviour important for walking, muscular imbalances and the shifted, increased load on other parts of the foot can lead to complex and painful clinical pictures. It is not uncommon for further changes and misalignments to occur as a result, which can affect the entire postural system.
As the basis for any form of treatment, we take a close look at the necessary diagnostic clarifications in our practice for orthopaedics and holistic alternative therapy and discuss how we can help you.
In the treatment of foot pain, heel pain or Achilles tendon complaints, it is always important to improve the functional statics of the entire pelvic-leg chain in addition to alleviating localised pain.
A combination therapy of osteopathy, extracorporeal shock wave therapy ESWT, acupuncture and physiotherapy is suitable for many patients.
In addition, the desired pain relief when walking in combination with the improvement of natural foot function can be promoted through the use of customised foot orthoses.