Trigger point treatment

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Trigger point treatment is an integral part of our treatment concept.

We now know that up to 80% of musculoskeletal pain is not caused by structural wear and tear, but by functional disorders in muscle and fascial tissue.

The main cause of this is so-called myofascial trigger points, which are painful, localised muscle tensions in which the muscle is contracted in microscopically small sections of muscle fibre in such a way that it squeezes the blood vessels supplying it and practically strangles itself. This results in a lack of oxygen in the tissue and an energy crisis at cellular level, from which the muscle cannot recover on its own due to its localised lack of blood supply. Trigger points can cause pain, discomfort or even numbness. These are sometimes localised, but usually radiate to more distant areas of the body, for example agonising headaches can arise from the neck muscles, back pain from the hip flexor or lumboischialgia-type leg pain from the gluteal muscles.

Our Concept

In our specially developed and highly effective myofascial treatment concept, we combine focussed shock wave therapy with various physical therapy measures, manual treatment techniques and, if necessary, trigger point acupuncture (dry needling). We target the trigger points relevant to your complaints, stimulate tissue regeneration, blood circulation and oxygen supply locally in the trigger point and thus enable the healing of the local dysfunction, normalisation of muscle function and rapid pain relief. In most cases, this is still possible even if the symptoms have been present for many years.

With our established concept we treat :