Elenora Formiceva
Diploma in commercial assistant
“With us, everyone does their best to produce an ideal result for you.”
Elena Formiceva
Born in Estonia, she impresses above all with her positive and organised manner. Eleonora first learnt the skills of a qualified secretary at a private business and language institute and then completed her diploma as a commercial assistant and business accounting specialist. For two decades, she worked both on a voluntary and freelance basis as an interpreter and translator for the welfare of Russian-speaking patients at Caritasverband e.V., International Medical Services at Freiburg University Hospital, InterMed-IASO and Welltours. After her subsequent work at the Diakoniekrankkenhaus, she now combines all the specialist areas of the OrthoPassion practice as assistant to the management. The mum of two children is characterised above all by her structured and conscientious way of working.